Safe Road Alliance (SRA) Level Crossings Upgrade Programme

The Safe Roads Alliance (SRA), led by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), was formed to deliver safety improvements to road / rail crossings across the State Highway network. It is a scheme that aligns closely with TEAM’s own commitments to safety improvements.

Date: 2018/2019




Project Location: South Island


Services Provided: Project Management

The Safe Roads Alliance (SRA), led by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), was formed to deliver safety improvements to road / rail crossings across the State Highway network. The SRA programme has undertaken a risk assessment of level-crossings across the country to develop a prioritised programme of sites for upgrading.

It is a scheme that aligns closely with TEAM’s own commitments to safety improvements.

Safety is key to each stage of project planning, from the initial planning and design phase, through construction, the use of the level crossings by the general public and on-going operational and maintenance requirements for KiwiRail.

TEAM has been engaged by KiwiRail to manage the upgrade of the South Island priority level crossing sites from design management, contractor engagement, site works and through to commissioning.

There are many challenges to this project, including the detailed logistical exercise of organising and prioritising multiple stakeholders and resources to deliver the programme of level crossing upgrades and associated works, whilst managing the expectations of road users, local communities and businesses.

Lessons to be shared

Stakeholder management is key and the planning is complex, as it is essential to arrange a timeframe that minimises disruption to rail and road operations, whilst meeting the requirements of KiwiRail, NZTA, local Road Controlling Authorities (RCA), road users, local businesses and residents.

Early engagement of the multiple KiwiRail discipline leads is essential to allow time for programming of resources and procurement of long lead items. The physical civil and track works may only take 4-5 days to complete however the signals component might take 2-3 months to get in to place prior to the road and rail closure.

Equally important is to have a number of contingency plans in place to ensure that, in the event of last-minute programme issues arising (which is inevitable on the road / rail corridors), resources can be deployed elsewhere within the programme to maximise the use of their time and availability.